About Sammi-Select
Deliver on diversity hiring
We are internationally recognised Structured Interview Specialists who enable you to unlock applicant potential for a diverse workforce.

Why Sammi-Select?
Our systems are customisable and co-designed for ED&I making candidate selection F.A.I.R.
Factual and cost-efficient
Automated scientific MMI method
Improved candidate satisfaction and engagement
Multiple Mini Interviews
MMIs are a structured in-person candidate selection approach consisting of a series of 6-12 mini-interviews conducted by different interviewers, each lasting up to 10 minutes, in a timed series. Scores from each short interview are aggregated to profile candidates, assessing them against role-defined attributes and values.

Designed for objectivity, reliability and best ‘fit for role’
MMIs take applicants outside their comfort zone by asking unexpected questions to generate authentic, spontaneous responses.
They have been proven to reduce bias and provide robust, valid, and cost-efficient assessments in over 70 published academic studies since 2004.
Link to research
Reliable and transparent data-driven decisions
The science of MMIs is built into our systems.
Unintentional bias, that can occur when MMIs are undertaken in person, is reduced, helping businesses to be sure that their hiring decisions are fair and informed.

As part of our on-going commitment to quality and fairness, we undertake continuous assessment of anonymised data from candidates using SAMMI.
Research Evidence
We evaluate candidates at volume but also undertake detailed analysis of random samples. Our data shows interview outcomes do not show major bias toward or against any identified group including gender, nationality, and disability.
See our publication
Consistent fairness and reliability
We found performance was consistently fair and reliable across all groups. User surveys have consistently demonstrated assessors and candidates rated the platform highly for convenience and usability.
See our publication
Science-based technology
SAMMI® is grounded in the proven scientific interview methodology, Multiple Mini-Interviews (MMIs).
Co-creation with diverse users
SAMMI® integrates insights on inclusive language and uses an interface that softens the interaction between humans and technology for maximum performance.
See our White Paper

Meet our team
Our team comprises of individuals with the necessary skills and expertise to help you add value and efficiency to your selection processes.
Advisory Board
Unique external perspectives to build value, integrity and innovation in candidate selection to academic, public and industry sectors.

Former Head of Talent Selection Innovation at the United Nations, Industrial & Organizational Psychologist
Current Job Opportunities
We are seeking talented and driven individuals to join our dynamic team.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there scope to give candidates extra time for each question if they have additional learning needs or are neurodiverse?
Yes, 25% extra time can be added to the time spent at each question so if for example questions were timed at 4 minutes, applicants requiring extra time could have 5 minutes per question.
Can the platform be customised for background colour and font?
Yes, it can.
Has the platform been evaluated?
Yes, we have collected data on over 1000 applicants exploring reliability and acceptability which are both high.
As an administrator, can I monitor applicants progress?
Yes, you can view a ‘status page’ that tracks applicants progress and updates hourly.
How does billing work?
Set up costs are dependent on whether off-the-shelf or bespoke customisations are required. Volume discount is available on the per interview fee. Please contact us for further information.
Can applicants receive feedback?
This is available according to each customers discretion.
Can applicants practise as many times as they wish before taking the assessment?
Yes, they can go into to the practise page using their provided link and familiarise themselves with the platform as often a needed before attempting the questions.
As an administrator, can I customise the interviewer recordings?
Yes, you can, and we can support you to do this.
As an administrator, can you provide me with off-the-shelf questions or are they all
We can provide either, depending on preference.
What happens if the Wi-Fi impacts on upload?
A copy of the recordings is automatically downloaded onto applicant’s hard drive so they can submit this if required.
Can applicants start their interview, leave the platform and then re-enter to continue?
No, once they start, they have to complete the circuit to emulate the multiple mini-interview methodology.
As an administer, can I reactivate applicant’s links?
Yes, you can.
What is the optimal number of questions making up a circuit?
The research evidence from multiple mini-interviews (MMIs) on which SAMMI is grounded shows that between 7-12 questions lasting 4-5 minutes gives optimal reliability.

Ready to get started?